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Results (11)

'Free Education' is Still Too Expensive (Opinions) 14-06-2006
by Cheryl Gudz
Most people in Ghana would agree that education is the key to a better life, but many children in Tamale are not going to school despite the constitutionally-guaranteed right to a free education. --- Check out the bus stop in the northern...

A New Education (Opinions) 25-12-2011
by Robbie
As a 15 year old student attending a school in Australia, I am well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of modern education. Yet increasingly we are seeing a new type of education - one that takes into account individual learning styles and the...

Cultural Education (Opinions) 9-09-2011
by Wright
There has always been so much buzz about education. World leaders always say education is a major way to eradicate poverty in developing and under developed countries.What then is this education they constantly talk about? or better still what...

Education ? What do we need to boost the sector (Opinions) 3-06-2011
by Darpan Mahajan
“I bow to my teacher who has opened my eyes blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with enlightening rays of knowledge” As times change, we experience Globalization and Global warming, economic collaboration and meteoric inflation, with the...

Global Education Foundation (Opinions) 22-02-2007
by Joel Josephson
Mission To advance the cause of global education by bringing together the best educators, with international business and foundations, to complete multinational educational project. Overview This initiative has been launched by a group of...

Lowering Standards of Education...A means to a bad end (Opinions) 2-10-2002
by Catarina Abreu
Education is said to be the opener of many doors, and the key to a brighter, more hopeful future. It's the one institution that probably has the most influence in our lives because education isn't simply what you get in the schools, but its also...

Mes 23 ans (Short Story) 28-04-2010
by Amadou Moctar DIALLO
Mes 23 ans Je suis né dans la nuit (00H10 mns) du dimanche 26 au lundi 27 avril 1987 à Ziguinchor (au Sud du Sénégal). J’ai célébré ce mardi 27 avril 2010 mes 23 ans à Saint-Louis (nord du Sénégal). 00H-07 H Je suis revenu d’un long et pénible...

The Importance of Education (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Adam Clare
Not every child thinks of school as a fun place. However, all that homework does pay off. You wouldn’t be reading this now unless someone taught you how to read; the chances are good that you learned how to read in a school. Education means more...

The State of Higher Education in Kenya (Part One) (Opinions) 23-02-2006
by Martin Tairo
The recent world universities’ rankings were not surprising to Kenyans. Despite the fact that we are local leaders in the production of human resources for both regional and international markets, our universities were content with the humbling...

The value of Higher Education in Brazil (Opinions) 20-04-2005
by Luana Cavalcanti
As a third world country, Brazil is naturally interested in determining the fastest and the most secure way to achieve development. Among the several subjects which require the government´s closest attention, education acquires special...

Volunteering is love amongst humanity! (Short Story) 4-10-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
I sit in a home which most Costa Ricans would think was that of a very wealthy North American. It was once only a cabina that my wife and I built with the last of our savings. I am almost ashamed when I invite my "Tico" {Costa Rican} friends...