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Ethiopianism-Who defines this? Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Dereje Amera, Ethiopia Jan 30, 2005
Culture   Opinions


There is nothing unreachable, and every thing is achievable, but the most challenging part of our task, is to get the driving motto, “Will”. So, let’s learn how to learn and develop how to exercise our will productively, so that our poor people may be once and for all be freed from the misery they have already encountered for centuries.

Our world is in our hands, let us not lose it from our palm, and seize our chances time has granted us, which may not come again in decades or centuries.

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Dereje Amera

Writing is a powerful instrument to promote one's ideology, so as to transform and galvanize the whole of humanity to have a better perspective about this world.

Words are just combinations of letters, but the power they exert in every human frame is still a mystery to all.

Writing uses these mysterious forces of words as a tool to introduce, induce and create vibrations in society, which do have an influence on every aspect of our life as human beings.

May the power of WORDS prevail over all!!
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