by Christopher Mikkelsen
Published on: Sep 10, 2007
Type: Opinions

Politics of Hope vs. Politics of Fear.

Intrinsically, the political arena was created to reflect our core values in a channeled and focused way, a bid to correlate humanity to the world at large. This, by definition, should at least be the foundation upon which we govern ourselves.

Ideally, politics supply a legitimate forum in which to raise concerns and thoughts on progress for the future, a forum to appeal to the might of man and the collective consciousness in wanting to advance life. I know, a lofty concept of what is at best considered a government-sanctioned pirate's lair, wherein the connected few exploit the blind faith bestowed upon them by the blind masses.

It is, I believe, in this discrepancy between man and politician the fault line of separation has been strung. Politicians should be paragons of community and humanity, not pariahs of self-serving efforts. Politicians should be of the people, for the people, not necessarily in means and money, but in the protection and promotion of interests that serve a nation, or better yet, a world. But we must understand this as an undeniable truth: We are all politicians and advocates responsible for a better world!

By reneging the reins of our own destiny, leaving the entire responsibility in the hands of the evidently corruptible few, we have ostracized our personal observation of truth and conscientiousness in favor of a life void of brotherhood and compassion. But if man bears no promise to man, then we've founded a world upon lies.

Humanity has been rendered powerless in its own mind, led to understand that the 'common' citizen is a chess piece in a play greater than their influence of understanding. By this device, it has been no feat to cloak the eyes of the world with a blindfold of fear. For it is infinitely easier to remit the responsibility of existence to the hands of the boisterous few who, unfortunately, far too often have not the opportunities of life at the top of their agenda. And far too often do we let go of this responsibility well knowing the nature of the wolf we've just led to watch our sheep.

But fear is the universal glue between the cowards of ignorance and convenient laissez-faire, while courage serves as the wings that holds the power to set truth free. But to believe in the latter, you must believe in your own capacity. And much, much more demanding, you must posses the will and determination to strive and work to change that with which you disagree. This is where the challenge lies: The perception of self.

Consider this: It takes no stretch of imagination to fathom and accredit the atrocities which the Nazi regime gave rise to in slaying millions of people in the name of sublime hate. The Third Reich was heralded and applauded by millions as the ultimate savior through the genocide of Jews and other 'undesirables'. Yet ask of the world to visualize an existence of opportunity and equal chance, of compassion and growth through freedom of life, choice, faith and will, and you will face ridicule and the label of utopia and a common perception that it is simply not possible to go against the grain of 'free' enterprise and the forces that control our markets.

Why is this?

How can we so easily believe in these torturous deaths, while so easily dismissing the power of life? How can we defer to the notion of free enterprise and the forces of markets in the face of massacres?

I know why.

I just refuse to believe the driving force of life is based on the misery and death of others.

I know how I think the perception of mankind can be changed, but I'm sure you have a wealth of great ideas. I ask of you to share them with me, to bring me your thoughts of a better world and more importantly, how to get there. It takes no more than courage and a plan.

I thank you for your time!



Refugees United Org.

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